Book Features, Giveaways

#BlogTour Author C. A. Gray shares Uncanny Valley Series

Uncanny Valley
Uncanny Valley Book 1
by C.A. Gray
Genre: YA Dystopian, Coming of Age
**Dystopian coming-of-age with superintelligent A.I.**
Rebecca Cordeaux knows exactly what her future will hold: she will marry
Andy, her crush of the last five years. Once Andy is ready to settle
down, she’s sure he will discover that she is his soulmate. After
several small parts on stage, Rebecca knows she can become a renowned
actress. Her writing also shows promise as a future author. Robots
perform most human jobs that can be automated, leaving many free to
pursue their personal creative interests.
But Rebecca’s mother Karen fears the new world of robots, and insists her
brilliant daughter join a university research team, studying the
hazards of a complete robotic economy. Rebecca’s father Quentin was
obsessed with the subject to a degree that even her mother considered
absurd, prior to his untimely death. So long as she can reserve
enough of her time to pursue her true passions on the side, Rebecca
half-heartedly agrees to join the research team, if only to please
her widowed mother. There she joins a post-doc named Liam, whose
conspiracy theories rival even those of her late father. Liam is
convinced that world Republic leader William Halpert’s worldwide
challenge for researchers to develop synthetic creativity will lead
not to the promised utopia, in which every kind of human suffering
has been eradicated, but rather to an apocalypse. Rebecca, whose best
friend is her own companion bot Madeline, writes Liam off as a
bot-hating conspiracy theorist, just like her father was… until she
learns that her father’s death might not have been due to mere
With Liam’s help, Rebecca learns of an underground organization known as
The Renegades, where Quentin Cordeaux was considered a legend. While
Liam attempts to stop Halpert’s challenge if he can, Rebecca tries
to unravel the mystery of what happened to her father. Did he and
many of his contemporaries die for something they knew? Who is the
mysterious informant who calls himself John Doe, and only seems to
want to drive her out of harm’s way? And if Halpert’s challenge
is answered, will it usher in a brave new chapter in humanity’s
history… or were Quentin Cordeaux’s dire predictions right all along?
The Silver Six
Uncanny Valley Book 2
What is it that makes us truly human?
Rebecca Cordeaux’s entire world has been turned upside down. In a single
day, she’s learned that Senate Leader Halpert and his Board of
Advisors are actually illegal humanoid robots created underground
twenty years ago—and they tried to have her killed. Her mother
Karen, whom she always believed to be passionately against the cause
of the Renegades, turns out to be their leader. And Liam, a man she
never thought she cared for, is now fighting for his life—and she
finds that she cares desperately.
Fortunately Karen, known to the Renegades as M, has planned for exactly
this sort of eventuality. Using Rebecca’s father’s blueprints, Karen
patiently built an underground compound in an abandoned part of the
Americas where they can regroup and plan for the coming war. The
compound becomes an unlikely oasis as their number grows, both on
accident and on purpose. In attempting to recover her best friend and
companion bot Madeline, Rebecca gets what she thought she’d always
wanted: Andy arrives at the compound too, along with her friends Jake
and Julie. But with the sudden addition of an old flame from Liam’s
past, Rebecca discovers just how little acquainted she has been with
her own heart.
Meanwhile, the Silver Six are running a worldwide campaign of indoctrination
to ensure that the people are on their side. In the name of peace, they
want nothing more than to wipe out every shred of resistance, while
pursuing their ultimate goal of robotic superintelligence. With the
assistance of a neuroscientist who helped to build the Silver Six
decades ago, Rebecca attempts to understand how synthetic minds work,
hoping this information can be used against them. She’s sure that
the mysterious, brilliant, and beautiful Alessandra Russo is the key
somehow, but Alex’s hatred for the Silver Six is only matched by
her hatred for the Renegades. Can the Renegades find and exploit the
weakness of the Silver Six before synthetic intelligence passes the
point of no return?
Uncanny Valley Book 3
The Silver Six have blown the Renegades’ underground compound to bits,
killing several of Rebecca’s best friends in the process—and to
her horror, the boy Rebecca had convinced herself she loved for all
these years was the one to betray them all. At the same time, General
Specs, the company Liam was once slated to inherit, has developed a
superintelligent robot called Jaguar which is quickly becoming
godlike in her omniscience. As the remaining Renegades flee to their
last bastion of safety in the Caribbean, Liam makes his way back to
London, in a last ditch effort to convince his father to destroy
Jaguar before it’s too late.
Rebecca, meanwhile, finally understands her own heart: she never loved Andy.
He was merely a ‘safe’ choice who would never require anything of
her. Liam, on the other hand, exasperating as he was, had seen past
her defenses. All of his teasing and provoking had been his attempt
to get her to be real with him—but the more he made her feel, the
further she had retreated. She had even substituted her companion bot
Madeline for real, deep human friendships, and for the same reason:
she’d been avoiding love to protect herself from another loss like
the one she had experienced when her father was killed for the
Renegades’ cause. Ironically, she only realizes this once Liam is
on his way to a similar fate. But she’ll be damned if she lets him
go without a fight.
This high stakes conclusion to the Uncanny Valley Trilogy envisions a
world not too far off from our own, in which superintelligence is a
reality, humanoid bots have supplanted human power and influence, and
there are eyes watching and reporting our every move. If humanity is
to survive, the Renegades will have to galvanize support across the
globe, under the radar—and it will require every last bit of
ingenuity they possess. But is attempting to outwit a
superintelligent being really the answer? Or will it require
something much more fundamentally human?
C.A. Gray is the author of three YA Amazon bestselling trilogies:
PIERCING THE VEIL (magic and quantum physics meet Arthurian legends),
THE LIBERTY BOX (dystopian metaphysics and mind control technology),
and UNCANNY VALLEY (dystopian coming-of-age with neuroscience and
super intelligent A.I). She starts with some scientific concept that
she’s interested in learning more about herself, and then creates
lots of epic chaos and high-stakes action to go along with it. Her
stories are free of gratuitous violence, language, and sexual
content, and she abhors depressing endings… but they’re not all
kittens and rainbows either! She also listens to and reviews
audiobooks on her website, here on Goodreads, on Instagram, and on
her podcast, Clean Audiobook Reviews, where she also
occasionally interviews other authors.
By day, C.A. Gray practices naturopathic medicine, podcasts, and writes
medical non-fiction under her maiden name (Dr. Lauren Deville). She
lives in Tucson, AZ with her husband Frank, and together they
maintain an occasionally contentious film review blog (under her real
name: Lauren Baden. Three names. Yes.) She’s kind of the queen of
multitasking—so in her spare time, she creates whatever meals or
crafts she found most recently on Pinterest, drinks lots of coffee
(Aeropress btw) and occasional wine (reds—and she saves the corks
for craft projects), works out (while listening to audiobooks), and
studies the Bible—about half of the podcasts on Christian Natural
Health are scripture meditations.
She does sleep, too. Promise.
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for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!
Meet The Author

Meet The Author: Interview with Kimberly Racquel

It’s a cold-hearted world, and unfortunately, a traumatic childhood left young Kira feeling as though her existence was collateral damage. Abandoned and betrayed by everyone responsible for her protection, left her no choice but to fight back. Guarded, unforgiving, outspoken, and vowing to never trust anyone with her heart, her mouth became her weapon.

Without realizing that her past would shape her future, Kira grew into a woman who lived her life with an ‘attack first’ mentality, until Mark walks into her life, but will he be able to withstand jaded Kira.

Tired of fighting with the demons from her childhoodKira seeks solace in the only place where she ever felt safe- her prayers and her journals. After years of struggling to find peace, Kira discovers it was there all the time, IF ONLY SHE COULD SHUT HER MOUTH!


I begged my mother to drop us off at Tricia’s house like she often did when she needed a babysitter.

“Just pick us up tonight when you get done,” I pleaded.

“No.” She was firm. “They want me to bring you down so they can ask you some questions.”

My stomach dropped yet again but this time like I was falling fifty stories down to a cement ground. To say I was freaking out, would put it mildly. I wanted to run and hide. What would they want to ask me? Questions racked my brain. What has my sister told them about me? Why did she do this? Was she serious about her devious threat just days earlier?

The ride to DFACS was like going to my own funeral. Out of frustration, Mama hit the steering wheel when she saw the PAID PARKING ONLY sign. Since we barely had money for the gas it took to get there and surely didn’t have enough to pay for the parking lot, we parked a block away before trekking to the office. Holding Mama’s trembling hand and sensing her fear, I pleaded with her not to make me go. I had an awful feeling that I wouldn’t see her again but she kept gently pulling me along.

Kimberly Racquel is married and raising three sons. She graduated Cum Laude from Central Michigan University and went on to receive her Master’s Degree in Administration.

Although she has quite a fewaccomplishments under her belt, she freely admits that some days her greatest accomplishment is just keeping her mouth shut.

Kimberly is a native of Atlanta, Georgia, whose passion for writing ignited when her mother gave her a journal as a birthday gift. She then began journaling as a way to speak her mind to vent and say the things she was afraid to say aloud. She says writing helps her cope with life and finds serenity within the sacred bond between her heart and her pen.

Expanding beyond journal entries into dynamic storytelling is how her debut novel “If Only I Could Shut My Mouth” was birthed. Kimberly notes that her book’s title has a deeper meaning which builds the foundation for her movement and mission to inspire others to move past the limiting phrase If Only I Could.

Get to Know The Author Kimberly Racquel:

What inspired you to write the book?

This book was inspired by my journal entriesand conversations with other women. I strongly believe in the power of the written word, specifically journaling, scripting, and writing affirmations, and used all of these to sort through events from my own childhood that had been impairing mycommunication with others. As a part of the process, I was moved to speak openly about how journaling was helping me sort through different events in my childhood as well as examine my family relationships. Ironically, as I shared my story with others, I discovered I was not alone and almost everyone I spoke to also had events from their childhood that they were still struggling with as adults. I wanted to do something to inspire other people to heal themselves. Writing the book was the perfect way for me to do this, so I blended my journal entries, imagination, and many of those events into a dynamic and fascinating story.

Who is your favorite author and why?

I have quite a few authors who I love and admire, but my favorite author is Teri Woods, who I recently met in person (yes, I’m still giddy). She’s my favorite author because of the way she makes you fall in love with her characters, even with their obvious flaws.

Your book addresses several family dynamics, but what jumped out to me was that you didn’t just explore parental relationships you also explored the familial dynamic of sisters, why is that?

I explored this because there are many sibling relationships that need to be repaired, but often these relationships remain distant, damaged, strained, and unhealthy because of the refusal to discuss openly the deep-rooted issues they experienced in childhood. This book takes a look at the complex relationship between two sisters and their different viewpoints even though they are growing up in the same household.

Do you consider your book Christian fiction since it contains scriptures and Biblical references?

No, not really. I have a strong faith in God, but I wouldn’t paint the book into just that category, it’s very contemporary with an urban fiction twist and a book that everyone can read, relate to, and enjoy, even men.

If you had to pick a theme song for your life, what would it be and why?

My theme song would be “Masterpiece” by Jasmine Sullivan, because the entire song is a powerful affirmationIt inspires confidence and self-love.

What is a fun fact about you that people would be surprised to learn?

Ha! I love trap music! And, most people are surprised to learn that. I do admit that the lyrics can make you cringe, but, for the most part, trap music is motivational and gets you energized, and some days that’s what I need to get going.

What’s next for you? What are you working on now?

I have begun writing my second book, but right now I am almost finished with an Affirmation Journal that will debut on my one-year book-a-versary, May 20, 2019, and I’m really excited about it. It was inspired by feedback from my readers who wanted to begin journaling and self-reflection after they read my book.

How to Find The Author and The Book:

Instagram: @kimberlyracquel

Facebook: @kimberlyracquel

Twitter: @kimberlyracquel


Email address:

Purchase Link  (All Books Purchased from website are signed copies):


Book Features

Sneak Peek of Steamed Open by Barbara Ross

When our dinner guests lumbered off the Jacquie II, a state trooper stood on the pier. Waiting for me.

This can’t be good.

“Ms. Snowden? Lieutenant Binder and Sergeant Flynn would like to speak to you at the police station.”

“Why? I haven’t done anything, I swear. Tell them I’ve been minding my own business. Seriously.”

I had been to see Bart Frick that morning about opening the beach, but that was a local matter. Why would the state police care? Why would anyone care about me visiting that awful man?

“Ms. Snowden, I’d rather not discuss this with you here. Let’s walk.” The pier was crowded, with our dinner guests and many others strolling back from restaurants, headed to bars, out for ice cream. People walked by, staring, stopping their conversations so they could overhear ours.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Will Orsolini and his family at Small’s Ice Cream Shop on the corner where the road met the pier. It was almost ten o’clock. I would have thought it was late to have their little ones out.

Will’s wife Nikki had been in the same high school class as Livvie. She was tall and pleasantly round with long, dark hair that fell over her high forehead. Their children stair-stepped down in age—six, four, and the toddler in the stroller, sticky-faced with chocolate ice cream.

Will saw me and started to wave, but then spotted the state police officer beside me. Will lowered his hand, his brows creased, lips tight with concern. I gave a little wave, meant to signal, “Everything’s cool,” and kept walking.

I spotted a state police cruiser about thirty feet ahead, parked on the street at the top of the pier. “I’m not going in that.” I pointed to it.

“The police station’s a five-minute walk.”

“I’ll let Lieutenant Binder know you’re on your way.”

“Thank you.” I walked with him until we got to his cruiser. Then I split off and continued up Main Street, cut across the library lawn and then its parking lot, and arrived at Busman’s Harbor’s ugly, brick town-hall-firehouse-police-station complex.

Inside, the place buzzed with activity, so different from when I’d visited Jamie there that morning. The civilian receptionist wasn’t at her desk, her shift would have ended hours earlier. Instead, the same state trooper I’d left moments before sat in her chair. “I’ll tell them you’re here.”

I nodded.

He disappeared into the multi-purpose room the Major Crimes Unit used when they were in town. He was only gone a few seconds.

“They will see you now,” he said when he returned.

Lieutenant Binder rose from behind the folding table he used as a desk. “Hello, Julia.”

Sergeant Flynn stood by the opposite wall in the large room. He nodded an acknowledgment. One of the last times we’d seen one another, he’d told me he was in love with my friend Genevieve and had asked her to marry him. It was an unusual confidence. He’d barely tolerated my “help” with several of their cases up to that point. In turn, I’d told him about my love for Chris, and how it was tempered by a sense there were things about him I still didn’t know. Since Genevieve had declined Flynn’s proposal in order to work as a private chef on a yacht, I wondered if he felt awkward after our personal disclosures in the dark of night as we’d waited for a killer.

If Lieutenant Binder knew or sensed any of this, he ignored it. He gestured for me to sit in one of the two folding chairs in front of his table, chairs I knew from experience were impossible to get comfortable in. Flynn crossed the room and sat in the other.

“Why am I here?” I asked. “I swear, I haven’t done a thing.”

Binder allowed his mouth to curve into a smile under his ski-slope nose. Flynn remained stone-faced as usual. Binder glanced at his computer screen.

“We understand from Ms. Ida Fischer that you visited Bartholomew Frick this morning at his residence, Herrickson House.”

“I did,” I admitted.

“What time was that?” Binder continued.

“I got there around ten thirty. What is this about?”

Binder leaned back in his chair, the very picture of relaxed, casual conversation.

“We’ll get to that. How long were you with Mr. Frick?”

“About half an hour. Seriously, you two are freaking me out. Has something happened?”
Binder leaned forward, placing both elbows and forearms on his desk. “Mr. Frick is deceased.”

About the Book

Beachcombers, lighthouse buffs, and clammers are outraged after Frick puts up a gate in front of his newly inherited mansion. When Julia urges him to reconsider, she’s the last to see him alive—except the person who stabs him in the neck with a clam rake. As she pores through a long list of suspects, Julia meets disgruntled employees, rival heirs, and a pair of tourists determined to visit every lighthouse in America. They all have secrets, and Julia will have to work fast to expose the guilty party—or see this season’s clam harvest dry up for good.

Purchase at Amazon/B&N

About the Author

Barbara Ross is the author of six Maine Clambake Mysteries. The seventh, Steamed Open, will be published in December 2018. Her novella featuring Julia Snowden is included along with stories by Leslie Meier and Lee Hollis in Eggnog Murder. A second anthology, Yule Log Murder, releases in October 2018.

Barbara’s books have been nominated for multiple Agatha Awards for Best Contemporary Novel, RT Books Reviewer’s Choice Awards, and the Maine Literary Award for Crime Fiction.

In the summer, Barbara writes on the front porch of the former Seafarer Inn overlooking the harbor in Boothbay Harbor, Maine.

Barbara blogs with the Maine Crime Writers and the Wicked Authors.

Barbara’s first mystery novel, The Death of an Ambitious Woman, was published by Five Star/Gale/Cengage in August 2010.  In her former life, Barbara was a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of two successful start-ups in educational technology. She lives in Portland, Maine.

Visit her at

Book Features, Giveaways

#BlogTour The Mortician’s Daughter by C. C. Hunter #giveaway

The Mortician’s Daughter:
One Foot in the Grave
by C.C. Hunter
Genre: Paranormal Romance
The first exciting novel in a brand-new series from New
York Times
bestselling author C. C. Hunter!
Her dad’s job is with the dead . . .
and he’s bringing his work home with him.
Once again, seventeen-year-old Riley Smith is the new kid in school and
her dad’s career has her back to being dubbed a freak. Truth is,
she’s a much bigger freak than her classmates think. The only
company she keeps these days is the dead who follow Dad home from
work. She can see them. She can speak to them. And Fate seems to
think she can help them solve their last problems so that they can
move on to the other side. Which is odd, because with the loss of her
mother and her father’s alcoholism, she’s got enough problems of her own.
But nothing could prepare her for the next tormented young spirit who
darkens Riley’s door. The young woman’s death wasn’t the
accident everyone believes. Soon Riley finds herself face-to-face
with the killer and her only protection comes in the form of another
spirit, Hayden, a boy her age with a heart-melting smile and
understanding eyes that make her feel safe. If she can escape
becoming the killer’s next victim, Riley knows she’ll have to
help Hayden move on too, but what if she can’t let him go?
For thrills, chills, romance and laughter, buy The
Mortician’s Daughter: One Foot in the Grave
Praise for C. C. Hunter’s Shadow Falls series:
C. C. Hunter has an amazing talent to make you laugh, cry, and laugh
again all in the same chapter!” —
Crossroad Review
Jam-packed with action and romance . . . Hunter’s lifelike characters and
paranormal creatures populate a plot that will keep you guessing till
the very end. A perfect mesh of mystery, thriller, and romance.”
Romantic Times on Taken at Dusk
The Mortician’s Daughter:
Two Feet Under
Riley has accepted that her special gift is to help dead people with their
unfinished business. But she never thought she’d be tasked
with helping the spirit of a convicted criminal who died in prison.
He may lead her on the scariest mission yet, but helping him
could mean saving the life of a child. The convict’s daughter
needs a liver transplant and the one person who could still be a
match is his brother…who also happens to be a gang leader.
Hayden’s not happy that Riley’s discovered who he is and is seeing him sick
and unconscious in his hospital bed. This feels like as good a
time as ever to cross over and put all of them out of their
misery….but Riley is in danger. She’s visiting some of the
most dangerous spots and confronting some of the creepiest low-lifes
in town. For her, he’ll need to regain his strength and fight
to keep her safe.
But dealing with other people’s problems still can’t keep Riley from
her own. Her dad’s drinking has gotten worse. And
she’ll soon learn it’s because he’s been keeping a huge,
horrible secret that will change everything she believes about her
family and her mother’s death.
C.C. Hunter is the New York Times bestselling author of over thirty-five books,
including her wildly popular Shadow Falls and Shadow Falls: After Dark series.
In addition to winning numerous awards and rave reviews for her
novels, C.C. is also a photojournalist, motivational speaker, and
writing coach. In February 2018, Wednesday Books will publish her
contemporary young adult and hardcover debut, This Heart of Mine.
And the first book of her new paranormal young adult series, The
Mortician’s Daughter: One Foot in the Grave will release on October
31st 2017. C. C. currently resides in Texas with her husband,
junkyard dog, Lady, and whatever wild creatures that meander out
from woods surrounding home.
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