Meet The Author

Meet The Author: Interview with Meghan Scott Molin

Meghan Scott Molin comes to writing by way of a Masters in Architecture, a minor in Opera, a professional career as a barn manager, and three years crash course as a mother. She currently resides in Colorado with her fellow zookeeper (husband), two sons, two horses, cat, and corgi. She is an avid lover of everything nerdy from Wars to Trek, Hobbits, Who, and beyond. When she’s not writing, she’s cooking, dreaming of travel, coveting more corgis, and listening to audiobooks while hanging out at the barn. If you’d like to know more about Meghan, feel free to follow her on Twitter (@megfuzzle) or on her website (

Q & A with Author Meghan Scott Molin

You mention that the idea for this storyline came to you in a dream. Can you tell us more about that initial inspiration and your process for coming up with this novel?

Well, there is a long and a short version of this story. The short version is: I woke up laughing from a dream one morning, literally sat up and laughed in bed. My husband thought I was having a waking-dream, but once I explained that I’d had a dream about my best friend Kristi (who is a purple-haired fashion designer in real life) running through San Diego Comic-Con with a team of drag queens capturing a murderer, he said, “You should write that book.” And so I did.

The longer version of the story is that I was in the middle of re-editing a book I hoped to pitch to agents, but I could not get the “drag-queen” book out of my head. My “muse” Kristi really is a professional drag costume designer, and I’d always wanted to work that wonderful world into a book but wasn’t sure how. And seriously, one morning in the shower while I was listening to Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, it was like bam!—MG was born. A caller (female) called in with the name of Michael, and the cocktail of ideas and the name just sort of melded in the hot water, and there she was! Fully formed. From then on, I cheated on my editing project at every turn. I couldn’t help myself. I kept coming up with nerdy jokes, and then Lawrence. And then more nerdy jokes. I couldn’t stop. So by the time I got to the conference, my editing project wasn’t so edited, so I shared my idea for this ridiculous new book instead…and I got several full requests on the spot. So I went home and finished the book in two weeks. It was literal insanity. It still needed a lot of work, but it gave me a sense that this concept had the hook-power I’d need to get it published.

MG is a really fun character to get to know in this novel. She marches to the beat of her own drum and completely owns her identity as a purple-haired, comic-book-loving nerd, but she also starts to discover another side of herself as she and Matteo grow closer. What are you hoping readers will like most about her, or better yet, what are some of your favorite things about her as a heroine?

MG is everything I wish I could have seen more of in literature as a young woman. She has adventures. She’s passionate, she’s driven, she pushes boundaries. She loves to let her geek flag fly. I emphatically wanted to write a real woman, not a GI-Jane, not a Mary Sue. Yes, she’s snarky. But she has heart. She makes mistakes, and she learns from most of them. She owns when she’s an idiot. She has prejudices but she wants to be a better person…and that’s what Matteo brings out in her. I love that she feels like an entirely real person to me, all the good and bad that comes with that. And the nerd stuff…that’s all me. I’m lucky to have found my nerd-band, and we all support each other in our endeavors and loves, but not everyone is so lucky. At the very least I want these people to look at a book and see that they’re not alone. You can be the geek and the hero/heroine of the story, you don’t have to “become cool” to get the guy, solve the crime, or wear the spandex.

One of the other great characters in this book is Lawrence, both as himself and as his drag queen alter ego, Latifah Nile. Of course the “nerd” universe abounds with elaborate costumes and makeup at events like Comic-Con, but it was interesting to have that combined with drag, considering MG’s interests as a costume designer. What impact or message do you hope to bring to your readers through L’s character?

Well, I think the main thing is I really didn’t have a specific intent, and I love that. Lawrence came to me as a vital part of MG’s world, as a whole person and an organic part of the a story. My goal for L is really the same for any of my characters: to make them a full and real person with goals and passions, who makes mistakes and learns from them. L is incredibly special. Truthfully (don’t tell MG this), my favorite character in the books. I think I identify with L’s love of the stage, the aggressive humming of show tunes, and the inability to sew with anything except hot-glue. On the back end of writing this super fun character, of course there is so much one can look at that is valuable by including people of all shapes/colors/abilities/orientations/etc. Our lives are and should be filled with diverse people whom we love and support. A common theme in my book is characters who fear being “boxed” into roles: MG as a woman, as a con-going-girl. L as a drag queen, or a gay man. Ryan as a gamer. I wanted specifically to show that these people live outside those boxes, live out their inclusive love of each other, and educate others (ahem, Rideout) in the process.

This book is full of allusions, from Star Wars to Harry Potter to every corner of the comic book universes. These all come to a head during the Genius employee party, where MG introduces Matteo to all the different fandoms. What are some of your personal favorites?

I’m a Harry Potter freak. I re-read them every year. I adore Game of Thrones for the drama and enjoy the discussions about gender roles, etc. that it raises. I love Star Wars, but my husband is the true expert there (I married my nerdy knight). We are voraciously devouring Sherlock, I recently binge watched the entirety of Buffy, and my nerd heart lies with the old, original X-Files (let’s not even talk about the new ones). And unlike MG, I do really like Tolkein. All in all, while incorporating different fandoms into the book, if it wasn’t a fandom I knew well, I found a friend who was passionate enough about it to educate me. I’m looking forward to writing other characters with other fandom loves in future books. And I need to note that I binge watched Project Runway and RPDR while writing book two, because…well, does anyone really need a reason to binge watch those shows? I told my husband it was book research. We’ll go with that.

Since this is your first novel, what were some of the biggest challenges in writing it and pulling it all together? What were the biggest surprises during the writing process?

This was my fifth completed book, so I’d practiced finishing a manuscript before…it’s important! I think the biggest surprise with this book was how easy the first draft was to write. I’ve never before or since had a book that wrote itself like that. It’s like a unicorn project—even book two has been much harder to write for me. I chalk it up to MG, L, and Ryan demanding to be written. Maybe fate had a hand!

Readers will surely be excited that this is only Book #1 in The Golden Arrow Mysteries series. Any leads about what they can expect for MG and Matteo in the next installment?

I’m so glad you asked! Let’s just say MG and Matteo go through the looking glass? There’s some trouble in paradise, there’s someone still running around in spandex and capes, there’s still a person out to get MG. It’s marvelous. ::evil laughter::

About the Book 

By day she writes comic books. By night, she lives them.

MG Martin lives and breathes geek culture. She even works as a writer for the comic book company she idolized as a kid. But despite her love of hooded vigilantes, MG prefers her comics stay on the page.

But when someone in LA starts recreating crime scenes from her favorite comic book, MG is the LAPD’s best—and only—lead. She recognizes the golden arrow left at the scene as the calling card of her favorite comic book hero. The thing is…superheroes aren’t real. Are they?

When too-handsome-for-his-own-good Detective Kildaire asks for her comic book expertise, MG is more than up for the adventure. Unfortunately, MG has a teeny little tendency to not follow rules. And her off-the-books sleuthing may land her in a world of trouble.

Because for every superhero, there is a supervillain. And the villain of her story may be closer than she thinks…

Available December 1, 2018

Pre-order your copy now at

Book Reviews

No Loyalty by De’nesha Diamond and A’zayler

Title: No Loyalty

Authors: De’nesha Diamond and A’zayler

Publication Date: July 31, 2018

Rating: 4 Stars=Great Page Turner

Purchase at

Can family be your worst enemy? In No Loyalty by De’nesha Diamond and A’zayler this is definitely true. No loyalty had two short stories filled with secrets, drama and betrayal.

In the first story, Dangerous Liaisons, author De’nesha Diamond shares a suspenseful story about a damaged mother-daughter relationship. Klaudya Ramsey has moved on from past issues in her life and is married with two children. When her mother, Nichelle is dropped off at her house, Klaudya has a bad feeling. She soon realizes why it was a bad idea for her mother to be back in her life. When push comes to shove, Klaudya is a survivor and always has a plan B.

In the second story, Tears of Blood author A’zayler shares a story about two brothers whose loyalty and bond is so strong, until one brother takes a wrong turn. Kayden out of love for his brother, Aiden, decides to do his jail time. Aiden out of selfishness decides to award himself with his brother’s wife. The story takes and turn once Kayden decides his brother needs to learn a life lesson.

These stories showed different ways family can betray each other and be each other’s worse enemy. I enjoyed these well developed characters and strong plots. Both had realistic storylines and shared behavior of characters that we see happening today.

Having read several of De’nesha Diamond’s books, she didn’t disappoint with this short story. This was my first time reading A’zayler’s work and truly enjoyed her writing style. I recommend No Loyalty to those who like Urban Fiction.

*This book was provided by the publisher for review purposes only.

Meet The Author

Meet the Author: Interview Nikesha Elise Williams

Stopping by Authors & Readers Book Corner is author Nikesha Elise Williams. She is an Emmy award winning news producer and author. She was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She attended The Florida State University where she graduated with a B.S. in Communication: Mass Media Studies and Honors English Creative Writing. In addition to winning an Emmy, Nikesha also won the Florida Associated Press Broadcasters award for Best Breaking News in 2014. Nikesha lives in Jacksonville, Florida, but you can always find her online at, or @Nikesha_Elise on Twitter and Instagram.

Get to know the Nikesha: 

What inspired Four Women?

There are many inspirations for Four Women. The first is Nina Simone and her song “Four Women.” I have loved that song since I first heard it when I was 8 so it played a big role in shaping and describing the four women of the novel. The other major inspiration were the events going on at the time. I am a news producer by trade so when I first started writing Four Women the George Zimmerman trial was going on, Michael Dunn was going through court proceedings for killing Jordan Davis, Marissa Alexander was in prison for attempted murder for firing a warning shot, and I was covering these stories at work and they never let me. They bothered me so much that I wanted to tell a story about the inherent biases in laws like Stand Your Ground and self-defense, but most importantly I wanted to tell a story about Black women. Women like myself and ones I know who show up for the cause and hold the family and our community down but are rarely put at the forefront of anyone’s story. I wanted the women in my story to inhabit every role possible: the victim, the suspect, the media person, etc, so that I could put the fullness of Black women and all that we are o display in the foreground instead of in the background.

The women presented in the novel are very relatable who is your favorite of the four, and are any of them based on you in real life?

My favorite character is Ebony. She popped up on the page and took over. There is something beautifully flawed about her and I love all of her messiness. As for the second part of that question. None of them are based on me. All of the characters have a part of me but none of them are me or anyone I know.

What motivates you to write?

The ideas that I have. I’m not the kind of writer that writes everyday. I may have the intention to but as a wife and a mother life happens. But my phone is always with me so when ideas come to me I let them ride out for awhile, but if they keep coming back to me, in the same way, I pay attention and begin to take notes in my phone. By the time I sit down to write the book is outlined from start to finish, with room to play, and I have no choice but to get the story and the characters out of my body and make them real. I am obedient to the spirit. No matter how many days or how many hours I work or even how little sleep I’ve gotten, when I sit down to write there is nothing else that I’d rather be doing.

How long did it take for Four Women to go from an idea in your head to a book in your hand?

This is a question that I always laugh at. This book took an extremely long time to go from idea to publication. The first chapter in the book started as a short story that I wrote in 2010 because I was bored. I sent it to my best friend and saved it but didn’t do anything with it. The second chapter was an idea that I had for a television script proposal in 2012 that I never did anything with, but it never left me. In 2013 I was between jobs. So while I was waiting on call backs for employment I made the most of my days by taking the characters from 2010 and 2012 and writing this story for a contest I saw. You write the first 10,000 words of a novel and get professional feedback. I figured I could do that and Four Women was born. After the contest I kept writing. In March of 2014 I was seven chapters from the end, when I lost my manuscript because my flash drive failed. All I had were those 10,000 words I happened to have saved in one other place. So I started over in May of 2014 when I realized data recovery specialists couldn’t help me. That’s when I found out I was pregnant with my son and I wrote all through my pregnancy and finished the novel in 2015 when he was about six weeks old. From there I looked for agents, found agents, and did two major revisions and waited to be “discovered.” That didn’t work out for me, and by the end of 2016 I decided the novel was going to come out in 2017 whether it was through a traditional publisher or on my own. The traditional route didn’t work for me, so I started my own company and released Four Women on Thanksgiving Day 2017.

What advice do you have for other writers who want to make the leap to pursuing their passion and dreams but are currently working day jobs?

Do both. If you want to write, sit down and write. If you have to write and work, write and work. Eventually the one that is your true calling will prevail, but you have to be patient and persistent.

Four Women ends on a cliff hanger, can we expect a sequel?

Yes. There is a sequel to Four Women. It’s called The Appeal of Ebony Jones. It will be out in August.

What do you see for your future beyond Four Women and The Appeal of Ebony Jones?

More books. Definitely more books. I have a lot of ideas that I’m currently working on that will be released over the next couple of years. Beyond that I definitely plan to get into screenwriting and possibly playwriting. As a producer I’ve been trained to write for an audience and to see a show in my head before it’s ever broadcast. That has translate to the way I write. I am writing what I am seeing the way it’s being acted out in my head, so naturally television and film and scripted stuff I think is the natural next step for me.

Download the book NOW

Four Women Book Trailer

The Appeal of Ebony Jones Trailer

About the Book

Four Women is a contemporary, literary novel about four women who don’t know each other but whose lives are significantly altered by one tragically triumphant event.

Set in Jacksonville, Florida in 2014 between the two Michael Dunn trials, the reader meets Soleil St. James, an elementary school teacher, who is struggling in an abusive relationship with Judge Barker Gordon. Dawn Anthony a news anchor of a nightly political magazine program has just begun dating architect Victor Russell. Ebony Jones, a fitness instructor, who in her year of dating Assistant State Attorney James Parnell, has yet to tell him about her family. Finally, the reader meets Dr. Jonelle “Johnnie” Edwards, who is an emergency room surgeon at Jacksonville’s flagship trauma hospital and married to stay-at-home dad Nathan Edwards who takes care of the couples two children Danielle and Tyler.

The story opens with the women going about their normal lives; Soleil coping with Barker’s latest attack, Dawn closing a show and heading out on her first date with Victor, Ebony cooking dinner for James and arguing about her family, and Jonelle grocery shopping after a long day at the hospital where she is in desperate need of alcohol to cope with her stress.  The women are mostly strangers save for Jonelle and Soleil. Jonelle’s daughter, Danielle, is in Soleil’s class, but Jonelle is not a very hands on parent.

One Saturday afternoon the women all attend a luncheon hosted by Jacksonville’s Mayor. Dawn is the emcee, Ebony and Soleil are the guests of Barker and James and happen to be sitting at the same table, and Jonelle is a recipient of an award being given out by the Mayor. It is at this luncheon that the women all become familiar with each other, especially when Ebony realizes Soleil is dating her ex. The realization sets the stage for a clandestine conversation between the two women where the pleasantries of initial introductions are forgone in favor of a real conversation about their personal relationships with domestic violence.

After running into Dawn Anthony, and a group photo later, our four women disperse back into their own lives. Lives that are again altered days later after Ebony confronts Barker about abusing Soleil at the Duval County courthouse. He ends up shot and rushed to the hospital where he dies on Jonelle’s operating table. Dawn’s romantic morning with Victor is interrupted to report on the breaking news. Soleil discovers what happened at work before a school field trip, Ebony hides from the crime she did not commit, and Jonelle’s state of mind is questioned after Barker’s death.

What happens next is the untangling of the truth. Ebony turns herself in with James as her defense attorney by her side and a stand your ground defense in tow. Dawn secures exclusive interviews with both Ebony and Soleil after realizing her connection to the case. Jonelle, in a drunken stupor refuses to hide from her part in Barker’s death, and Soleil set free by the death of her boyfriend struggles to enjoy that new found freedom.

Fast forward five months and Ebony is ready to stand trial for the murder of Judge Barker Gordon. The trial takes place just days after the riots over the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri where the importance of black life is questioned. Ebony takes the stand in her own defense with Jonelle, Soleil, Dawn and her estranged mother all in the courtroom watching. It is after her testimony that the reader must decide if she is innocent or guilty of a crime she is certain she did not commit.



Johnnie hangs up the phone and pushes it into the thigh pocket of her scrubs. Before getting out of her car, she reaches for her water bottle in the side pouch of her book bag in the passenger seat. Johnnie brings the bottle to her lips, pulls the black cap open with her teeth, and drains the contents inside. She smacks her lips and releases an “ah” as she tosses the bottle back into the seat, gets out of her car, and makes her way inside her own personal hell.

For Dr. Jonelle “Johnnie” Edwards, the grocery store after 5 p.m. on a Thursday is the second worst place to be in the world on a Thursday after 5 p.m. The first worst place being the Shands emergency center operating room. The former name of the hospital before the University of Florida decided to assert all of its monetary authority with the eponymous UF Health. That’s the worst place to be in the world on any day.

Johnnie found herself able to leave early, if you call stopping at 36 hours instead of going for the full 48, leaving early. The week had been one shooting victim after another. Some victims were women and children; most of them were men. If they made it to the operating room the majority of them lived.

Johnnie praised God for her quick, nimble fingers. But sometimes victims died. A regrettable feeling she let worm its way inside her heart until she was standing in the grocery store after 5 p.m. on a Thursday, looking for something quick and effective to erase the memory of the face who died on her table two hours ago. Johnnie plans to drink away her failure today, and again after her victim’s funeral. A ritual she began when she lost her first patient two years after her residency.

Maneuvering the grocery side of one of the world’s largest discount retailers, Johnnie finds herself facing the back racks of cheap wine and no spirits. She desperately searches for a 12 dollar bottle of anything hoping the higher price will mean better quality, but the shelves filled with nine dollar bottle after nine dollar bottle force her to settle on Beringer’s White Zinfandel deciding, you don’t have to be fancy to be drunk.

Wine bottle in hand, Johnnie pushes her way to the front of the store where she stands in the long line for people with 20 items or less; reminded once again why she hates the grocery store on a Thursday after 5 p.m. 18 cash registers man the front of the store. Only six are open, not including the chaos of the self-checkout square.

Johnnie waits, tapping her feet. Crossing and re-crossing her arms. She sighs loudly, clears her throat, and stares down the cashier, daring her to say anything other than “May I help you?”

The line crawls until finally, Johnnie is able to set the wine bottle down on the conveyor belt. She brings her hands to her temples and massages her head, regretting not picking up the bottle of aspirin from the pharmacy when she had the chance. Stretching her neck to each side, muscles and tendons crack. Forcing herself to relax, Johnnie scans the racks of magazines. Paper tabloids that make no bones about what they are, stand next to glossy tabloids putting on airs as respectable publications. They are all the same — telling the same story from cover to cover. One fat pop star; one skinny celebutante. A picture of a post-pregnancy, wedding-planning Kim Kardashian on every cover, even if she isn’t the cover story. None of the pictures are new. Stock photos plaster the covers of the tabloids; all of them old and outdated. The only thing separating one from another are their headlines; each one more sensational than the last.

Johnnie roves across the magazines stacked high on the display shelves, until her eyes fall to the candy crates where children can easily reach and beg their tired parents for a sugar high.

“Will this be all for you today, ma’am?” The cashier asks dryly.

“No,” Johnnie says. “Add these too.”

She places four cans of Altoids on the sliding conveyor belt thinking, I need to restock anyway.

Book Features, Giveaways

Author Desiree L. Scott shares the Vendetta Series

Crescent Vendetta
Vendetta Series Book 1
by Desiree L Scott
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Wolf-shifter Vanessa Burns has survived a life of brutality and neglect. Being
kidnapped, drugged, and forced into an underground fighting ring is
just the beginning of one man’s sick and twisted obsession.
Travis Kameron, the Alpha of the Crescent Ice Pack, suffering a similar
fate, wakes up to find his life is about to be irreparably changed by
the fierce she-wolf in the next cage. Can they put aside old
rivalries and the past and work together to not only survive and
escape but to weather the storm of complications, revenge, and
betrayals waiting for them on the outside?
Rated MA18+ for adult content.
Bear’s Shadow
Vendetta Series Book 2
Nikki Calhoun is on the run, fueled by terror of the shadowy world she had
married into. Desperate to survive and nowhere to hide, Nikki turns
to the wolf shifter pack of her childhood but it’s hard for her to
trust anyone, even the people closest to her.
Enforcer and bear-shifter Bret Axel receives a call from his cousin who
manages his Portland nightclub about suspicious activity. After
obtaining the approval of his Alpha, he travels to Portland. Two
nights later, screams of a woman shatter the silence of the dock and
with the help of his cousin, they save her from being killed.
A twisted tale of hunter and prey, two worlds collide as Bret falls for
the human and then struggles to convince her that they are meant to
be together. It’s up to him and the Crescent Ice Pack to get to the
bottom of the brutal acts of one man. Will Nikki survive the wrath of
her estranged husband or will the murky world of Edward Calhoun
destroy her and any who try to help?
I have been writing since I was sixteen years old and love to write
both horror and romantic suspense. I think there have been many
influences within my life that has set me on the path that I can not
help but walk. A few of those names consist of Karen Rose, Lisa
Gardener, Nora Roberts, Cynthia Eden, Catherine Anderson, Laura
Griffin, Andrea Kane, and Lisa Jackson, just to name a few. This list
by no means defines by own writing but they have indeed influenced my
desire to live outside of my own world and to create the thrill of my
dreams. I live on 40 + acres in the SHOW ME state with my six year
old daughter, with the wonderful addition of four dogs and a handful
of chickens. The weather is unpredictable, but the surrounding beauty
of the country helps my creativity as I sit on my top deck with my
laptop and coffee close by.
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